Spar Nord Østeraa Østerågade 12, 9000 Aalborg

Spar Nord Østeraa

19 Anmeldelser
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Spar Nord Østeraa Østerågade 12, 9000 Aalborg

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Østerågade 12, 9000 Aalborg


  • søndagLukket
  • mandag10–16
  • tirsdag10–16
  • onsdag10–16
  • torsdag10–16
  • fredag10–16
  • lørdagLukket


  • Kørestolsegnet indgang

Anbefalede anmeldelser

Laura León Pérez
Spar Nord Østeraa
This is absolutely the worst bank you could have in Denmark. At least for me as foreign person it was really really bad.I am telling all details but as summary I would say it is very expensive with many fees, bad attention and very little information they give you. No trustable. My advice is choose any other bank if you can, specially if you are from abroad.Some of the details:Firstly, when I opened the account they told me it was for free but it was not truth. They were charging me around 60-100 DKK every 2-3 months, plus around 100-200 DKK for having a card plus around 400 DKK for my investment account. Absolutely crazy.Then I won't even talk about the insane fees they charge you for current change or to send euros to other european bank accounts, for me I used transfer wise because Spar Nord changed at least 3-4 times more!In addition, even of I had the account for around 3 years having my not-bad monthly salary there, they never wanted to provide me the Dankort card. When I opened the account I did not know about card types and, of course, they did not inform me, so, they gave me the Mastercard. Then I asked several times to have a Dankort and they only offered me a Visa-Dankort under more yearly fees which I obviously did not want to increase my fees to the bank. When I tried to change my mastercard by a Visa-Dankort they just told me every time they will send it to me to change but they never did it. 3 years and I was never good enough to get the Dankort which you can pay everywhere in Denmark.Other point is that I asked several times for a savings account and they claimed they do not have such a thing. Again not sure if it was just to me because I am not Danish or what but they only offered me to have a second normal account with same bunch of constant fees which I obviously did not want. All rest of banks in the World that I know offer saving accounts where to have savings with some small interest they give you and absolutely free of any charge... But this not, at least not to me.The cherry of the cake is the amount of troubles I got to sell my shares (with huge fees that they did not tell me about) and when they just sent me a random day a mail telling me that they are selling my shares and closing my account because I moved abroad. This happens barely 4 months after I moved when I did not have everything in place yet to close my Danish account.For me, really, it has been always so difficult to manage my account there and so expensive while all my friends were super happy with Danske Bank, Tyske Bank or any other. I wish to have chosen any other option really and the only reason why I did not change is because I was no very long living in Denmark.I hope this can help other people.
Sam Pires
Spar Nord Østeraa
The most expensive and useless bank in Denmark.
Malene R
Spar Nord Østeraa
For nogle dage siden kom vi to ind i banken, både ved opringning til kundeservice og kontakt til anden filial havde vi fået forskellige oplysninger om hvordan det skulle foregå at overdrage kontoen. Igen var der problemer og vi skulle så egentligt over i et andet filial igen. De var dog virkelig søde og prøvede at ordne det fra denne filial alligevel. Det var virkelig hjælpsomt, og får mig til at genoverveje om jeg virkelig gider at skifte bank, som jeg har haft til overvejelse efter service og fejl fra et andet filial. TAK!
Kristian Frandsen
Spar Nord Østeraa
Hej min mor var inde hos jer i dag for at hæve penge fra pengeautomatenMen da hun ikke er særlig tryk ved pengeautomaten, hun forstår ikke fremgangsmåden, men prøver, så hun endte med i sin frustration at kontakte en af de ansatte, som bare afviste hende. Min mor er 85 år og hun er ikke teknisk mindet, hun blev så ked af det, at hun græd i telefonen da hun ringede til mig og jeg prøve på trøste hende så godt jeg kunne. Jeg kunne desværre ikke komme og hjælpe hende, da jeg selv bor i København og hun har ikke andre til at hjælpe.Min mor ved ikke om hun gennemførte en hævning eller ej eller hvad der sket, så vi ved ikke om der ligger penge i automaten hos jer eller hvad der er sket, andet end at det var en rigtig dårlig oplevelse for min mor og jeg er rystet over den manglende service. ( Jeg har efterfølgende haft kontakt med Spar Nord iforhold til deres svar nederst, men desværre uden større sympati for ældregruppen til at løse problemet så de kan få hjælp til hævning i automaten. Det er klart et problem for ældre og en mulighed for at personer uden moral kan udnytte ældre i en svagelig situation)
Morten Holst Henriksen
Spar Nord Østeraa
Fantastisk service
Johan Tolnov
Spar Nord Østeraa
Jyske Bank er bedre , for de har en federe baggård og holder casinoaften
Mihaela Pana-Costea
Spar Nord Østeraa
Very helpful people. The ladies take their time to answer your questions and they are very polite. Anytime I had a problem with not understanding something, they gladly helped me every time. My only 'problem' is that the waiting queue is a bit long since there are just two desks opened for dealing with clients and usually just one info-desk. But overall, cool customer service.
Christoffer Baadsgaard
Spar Nord Østeraa
Utrolig kompetent, professionel og ikke mindst imødekommende sparring og rådgivning både ift. privat- og erhvervsmæssige forhold.Som virksomhedsejer er det altafgørende, at dine rådgivere forstår økonomien i både dine private såvel som dine erhvervsmæssige forhold.

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Østerågade 12, 9000 Aalborg
Spar Nord Østeraa